I use atmospheric numerical models at high spatial and temporal resolutions, to unravel some of the Antarctic climate processes and feedbacks. In the Antarctic Science Platform, I am a the climate modeller of the National Modelling Hub. My aim there is to provide inputs to continental-scale ice sheet and ocean models, terrestrial geo-statistical models, glacial surface energy balance models and terrestrial hydrological routing models.
I have been attracted to polar climate research since early on, simply because near-surface climate provides an essential boundary condition for most physical and biological systems, and its accurate simulation is fundamental to future projections of Antarctic environments and its impact and response on and to global climate change and sea level rise.
Download my resumé.
PhD in Geogrphy, 2019
University of Leuven
Msc in Environmental Sciences, 2015
Universite Libre de Bruxelles
BSc in Geography, 2013
Universite Libre de Bruxelles
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